Biz Kimiz

Aviation Turkey has been created by DT Medya LTD. ŞTİ. as an English language magazine in Turkey and the magazine is the information platform for the decision making mechanism of procurement circles and readers to provide a forum of technical information for the fast developing and expanding aviation industrial activities, scientific breakthroughs, ongoing projects and current programmes both in Turkey and global scale, latest news of Turkish authorities and Turkish Aviation Industry, interviews with aviation officials, executive company representatives and experts.

On the other hand Aviation Turkey is also a bilateral information platform to the Turkish Aviation officials, Turkish decision makers, procurement executives and Turkish aviation industry members on the developments of international aviation industries, capabilities and technologies.

Ayşe Akalın
Publisher & Editor in Chief

Cem Akalın
Managing Editor

Şebnem Akalın
International Relations & Advertisement Director

Yeşim Bilginoğlu Yörük
Administrative Coordinator

Muhammed Yılmaz
Editor/ Aeronautical Engineer

İbrahim Sünnetçi

Saffet Uyanık
Editor / Correspondent & Translation

Tanyel Akman

Gülsemin Bolat
Graphic Design

Görkem Elmas
Multimedia Design

Sinan Niyazi Kutsal
Professional Photographer

Emir Öngüner, Dr.
Author / Researcher in Aviation History

Aslıhan Aydemir
Advisiory Board / Author

Lale Selamoğlu Kaplan
Advisiory Board

Ferhan Kuyucak Şengür
Advisiory Board

Nazmi Cumik

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